Apply for Student Discount

At Method Climbing, we offer a special student discount for eligible climbers who are currently under 18 or enrolled in an undergraduate program. To apply, simply fill out the application form and submit your current student identification or proof of enrollment.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • You must be an active middle school, high school, or undergraduate student.
  • Provide proof of enrollment or a current class schedule for the semester.
  • The discount applies for the semester, and reapplication is required at the start of each new semester.
  • This discount does not apply to graduate, dental, physical therapy, or technical school students.

Take advantage of this great opportunity and enjoy all that Method Climbing has to offer at a discounted rate!

Student Discount Application

Reason for Discount(Required)
Max. file size: 256 MB.
Please upload supporting documents in order to qualify for the discounts. *Identification showing age is under 18 or *Proof of current enrollment in undergraduate program
  • Must be an active student – Middle and high schools and undergraduate schools.
  • Must submit a current class schedule for the semester.
  • Membership will run the length of the semester and customers will have to reapply at the start of each new semester”
  • Alternate schools (graduate, dental, physical therapy, and technical schools etc.) don’t apply