Session 1 (Tues): Aug 6th – Oct 22nd
Tuesdays 7pm-9pm (guided); Self-guided Protocol any day
$150 per month for 3 months
This group training session is perfect for someone looking to advance their climbing abilities. If you’re new to the sport, jump start your progression. If you’re an experienced climber, but feel like you’ve plateaued, team up with our coaches to break through it. You’ll hone your athleticism through a combination of on-the-wall climbing drills and off-the-wall agility work to improve technique. You’ll also take on supplemental exercises like hangboarding, plyometrics, and weight lifting that target the muscles climbers need to grow stronger and stay healthy.
This course is centered around a type of training called “Cyclic Periodization.” Cyclic periodization allows you to be at your peak when you want to be. Properly done, chances of injury and mental burnout are minimized. Also, the amount of time you spend stuck at conditioning and strength plateaus tends to decrease. This version of cyclic periodization consists of five major periods, which are sequentially organized to cover an entire climbing/training cycle.

Conditioning Period
This period serves as a warm-up and active rest cycle. As a warm-up, the conditioning phase prepares the body for the intense training to come. As an active rest phase, it assures that no major de-conditioning occurs, while providing a mental and physical break from strenuous workouts.
Load Period
The load period builds endurance, connective tissue and some muscle strength and provides specific movement. During this phase, work in micro cycles of a hard day, easy day and moderate day. Then, repeat the micro cycle with a higher resistance. During the last part of the load period, you should actually be weaker than in the middle of the period due to the high volume. In this endurance-oriented phase, you should only occasionally be pushing yourself to your absolute failure point.
Recovery Period
During the recovery period the volume of work should be low. Spend no more than one to two easy days a week in the gym during this phase. The recovery phase prepares your body for the upcoming intensity of the next period.
Peak Period
The peak cycle produces maximum strength and power (muscle hypertrophy). As in the load cycle, work in a hard/easy/moderate micro cycle. In this phase, you should usually be pushing yourself to your maximum.
Off Cycle
During the off cycle, your body will now be peaked to climb very hard. This is when you are all smiles, because you are sending all your projects.